‘tutorials’ Archive

Boilerplate JavaScript Document

When creating a new javascript document, there are several principles you should keep in mind. I was disappointed to see there were no clear and obvious boilerplates for getting started on a new javascript document so I've put this one up for reference. (function() { 'use strict'; // add your event handlers here document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { Read the full article...

Using JavaScript with XML

Applying a method to a Recordset JavaScript methods of the recordset object recordset method Moves to id.recordset.moveFirst() the first record in the id recordset id.recordset.movePrevious() the previous record id.recordset.moveNext() the next record id.recordset.moveLast() the last record in the id recordset id.recordset.move(i) record number I in the id recordset (record numbering starts with the number 0) Read the full article...

Fundamentals of the JavaScript syntax

Here is a quick reference to many of the basic handles and definitions for the JavaScript language. Comparision and conditional operators Name Operator Description Equal  == Returns true if the operands are equal Strict equal  === Returns true if the operands are equal and of the same type Not equal  != Returns true if the Read the full article...

Reserved Words in JavaScript

Reserved Words abstract else instanceof switch boolean enum int synchronized break export interface this byte extends long throw case FALSE native throws catch final new transient char finally null TRUE class float package try const for private typeof continue function protected var debugger goto public void default if return volatile delete implements short while do Read the full article...