Constraining Facets in XML

Constraining facets
Facet Description
enumeration Constrains the data type to a specified list of values
length Specifies the length of the data type in characters (for text strings) or items (for lists)
maxLength Specifies the maximum length of the data type in characters (for text strings) or items (for lists)
minLength Specifies the minimum length of the data type in characters (for text strings) or items (for lists)
pattern Constrains the lexical space of the data type to follow a specific character pattern
whiteSpace Controls the use of blanks in the lexical space of the data type; the whiteSpace facet has three values: preserve (preserve all white space) replace (replace all tabs, carriage returns, and line feed characters whith blank spaces) collapse (collapse all consecutive occurrences of white space to a single blank space, remove any leading or trailing white space)
maxExclusive Constrains the data type to be less than a maximum value
maxInclusive Constrains the data type to be less than or equal to a maximum value
minExclusive Constrains the data type to be greater than a minumem value
minInclusive Contstrains the data type to be greater than or equal to a minimum value
fractionDigits Specifies the maximum number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point in the data type's value
totalDigits Specifies the maximum number of decimals in the data type's value