Posts Tagged ‘WordPress’

Custom Post Type Menu Position Values

When configuring a custom post type in wordpress, one of the properties you will come across is menu_position. It is helpful to strategically position the navigation label for a number of reasons, which we will not get into - however I'm sure you've found your reasoning if you are reading this. Anyway here are all the possible Read the full article...

Enqueue stylesheets in WordPress the right way

Sometimes when theming out a wordpress site you will encounter situations where you are either forced to use the !important style declaration on an element to override a style that's being applied by a plugin. Using !important does work, however there is a better option, enqueuing your stylesheet in the footer. This ensures your styles Read the full article...

Template tags in WordPress

Here is a link of commonly used template tags and their purpose. the_permalink() - Displays the URL of your post the_title() - Displays the title of the post the_ID() - Displays the unique ID of your post the_content() - Displays the full content of your post the_excerpt() - Displays the excerpt of your post. If Read the full article...