Custom Post Type Menu Position Values

When configuring a custom post type in wordpress, one of the properties you will come across is menu_position. It is helpful to strategically position the navigation label for a number of reasons, which we will not get into - however I'm sure you've found your reasoning if you are reading this.

Anyway here are all the possible types of values you can have.

Add this parameter to your $args array when setting up your custom post type.

'menu_position' => 70,

What the values mean:

0 - at the very top
5 - below Posts
10 - below Media
20 - below Pages
25 - below comments
60 - below appearance
65 - below Plugins
70 - below Users
75 - below Tools
80 - below Settings
100 - below second separator

Raise and lower the value of the menu_position argument in your $args array to change the position at which your custom post type label will appear in the wp admin panel. Keep in mind, 3rd party plugins and your version of wordpress will both have an effect on the exact number required for you to position the label where you want it.