Setting the Display Style with CSS

Setting the Display style
Display Description
block Display as block-level element
inline Display as inline element
inline-block Display as inline element with some of the properties of a block (much like an inline image or a frame)
inherit Inherit the display property of the element's parent
list-item Display as a list item
none Do not display the element
run-in Display as either an inline or a block-level element, depending on the context
table Display as a block-level table
inline-table Display as an inline table
table-caption Treat as a table caption
table-cell Treat as a table cell
table-column Treat as a table column
table-column-group Treat as a group of table columns
table-column-group Treat as a group of table columns
table-footer-group Treat as a group of table footer rows
table-header-group Treat as a group of table header rows
table-row Treat as a table row
table-row-group Treat as a group of table rows


Main takeaways:

Not currently supported by all browsers
Object is hidden but still is part of the page flow
object is hidden and is removed from the page flow